Friday, 18 September 2009

Model: Finished Alleyway [004]

Final renders for my Alleyway, I experimented with putting my scene in different light settings such as night. I referenced the lighting from my neighboured with the orange glow and bouce lights from street lamps, I wanted to create a creepy mysterious air, hopefully the lighting has helped make my environment more believable.

Model: Finished JingaraffeHouse [003]

This is my Jingaraffe house finished, I overlayed real-life textures of rock, grass and masonary along with my base colours and added shading for the textures. I tried to fit all the textures into one texture page for ease of use and put this through Crazybump to gain a Normal map, I also added an Alpha Map for the straw roof.

The umbrella on the top of the roof is also rigged to open and close and I'm generally pleased with its outcome, however I acknowledge that I'm treading on my strongest style, so I'm planning my next creations to be more realistic/detailed.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Model: WIP JingaraffeHouse [002]

I've unwrapped the whole asset and manage to squeeze it all into a single texture page. I was trying for bright basic colours that complement the colours of a Giraffe.

To start off the texturing, you can see I only put in basic colours, my next step to implement the shapes and patterns associated with the Viva Pinata series as well as shading, alphas and normal maps.

Model: WIP JingaraffeHouse [001]

I had this idea simmering in my head for a while and since I plan on applying for a Rare Internship soon, thought it would be a perfect addition to my showreel.

Inspired by the Viva Pinata series from Rare. I designed and quickly modelled a cartoony house than would house the as-of-yet non-existent Giraffe Pinata. I wanted the house to reflect the form of a giraffe hence the enlongated proportion, Giraffe Leg Pillars and the Square Window and Stones to reflect the marking of a Giraffe.

There was also the idea that the giraffe's head would poke out of the roof, so an umbrella for shade/rain and Xbox/TV for entertainment sounded logical.

Model: WIP Alleyway [003]

Third WIP gate, I've now added normal maps to my textures and added more objects to dirty it up, such as extra bricks for the wall and scrap heap and planes with dirt and slime on the walls.