Sunday, 31 May 2009

Drawing: Major Production Final Designs

For my final major project in my last year of Uni, we were asked to design and model three distinct elements. In the end I decided to model a scene, a character and a vehicle to give myself as much variety as possible.

During the design process I was very inspired by my own culture and remembered that I actually rarely base my work squarely at Chinese culture, hence the idea of a Chinese teashop came into my mind. I was thinking it could exist in a digital game as an item shop or in the case of GTA, as a teashop where missions or meetings occur.

The Character was inspired by Tim Burton's art style in particular Corspe Bride and the Victorian fashion. I wanted to create a flawed character, whose fronting as a Vicotorian Gentleman but is also an investigator searcing for vengeance.

My vehicle was the last to be designed and perhaps the hardest as I was least familair with designing vehicles. I was inspired by one of my earlier works, the underwater city Aquapolis (posted earlier), and thought that marine shaped vehicle
was interesting and didn't even need to be in the water, but in the air. Also inspired by Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle and the AirShips off Golden Compass and Stardust.

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